General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVAN-69) KEEL LAYING


General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVAN-69) KEEL LAYING


1) CU PAN L over large crowd assembled for ceremony. 2) MS Front view, arrival of Mrs. Mamie EISENHOWER and Mr. & Mrs. D. David EISENHOWER, II; Mrs. M. EISENHOWER is escorted by Mr. L.C. ACKERMAN, President of shipyard. VG 3) CU SECDEF Melvin R. LAIRD speaking with Mrs. Julie EISENHOWER on speakers stand. G 4) CU Mrs. Mamie EISENHOWER. VG 5) MCU Arrival of ADM. Thos. H. MOORER,USN.Chmn., Joint Chiefs of Staff and GEN. W.C. WESTMORELAND; MOORER stops to greet EISENHOWERs. G 6) CU WESTMORELAND and MOORER standing on platform. G 7) MS VADM. H.G. RICKOVER,USN,(ret.), entering scene R, greeting WESTMORELAND; MOORER and LAIRD seen in direct BG. VG 8) MS LAIRD seated, speaking with Julie EISENHOWER; David and Maime EISENHOWER seen seated nearby. VG 9) CU Mamie EISENHOWER fanning face with program, David EISENHOWER seen at R. 10) CU David EISENHOWER sitting next to Mamie Eisenhower, PAN R to show USN enlisted personnel walking, single file, along edge of drydock carrying State Flags. G 11) CU Front view, ADM. Elmo R. Zumwalt, USN, WESTMORELAND and MOORER as they turn R and salute during National Anthem. VG 12) MLS LAIRD, David, Julie and Mamie EISENHOWER, RICKOVER and ACKERMAN standing during National Anthem. VG 13) MCU Front view, Mr. John W. WARNER, Under SECNAV, giving civilian salute; ZUMWALT, MOORER and WESTMORELAND seen nearby. VG 14) CU Front view, LAIRD and Julie EISENHOWER; PAN R to show David EISENHOWER, RICKOVER and Mamie EISENHOWER; VIP's take seats after National Anthem. VG 15) CU Side view, CAPT. Frederick W. BRINK, ChC, USN, giving invocation. G 16) CU LAIRD and Jule EISENHOWER standing with heads bowed during invocation. G 17) CU David and Mamie EISENHOWER standing with heads bowed during invocation. G 18) CU Mrs. Melvin LAIRD and others in VIP group standing during invocation. G 19) ACKERMAN speaking from rostrum, shipyard construction framed in BG. G 20) MS LAIRD, Jule, David and Mamie EISENHOWER, RICKOVER, seated on stand. VG 21) LA LS Over heads of large crowd standing in shipyard for ceremony; slow PAN to show tremendous crowd. VG 22) MSL VIP's on speakers stand applauding, ZUMWALT seen moving to rostrum. VG 23) MS ZUMWALT speaking from rostrum. (SV) G-F (24) CU Two unidt. women seated during ceremony. F 25) CU ADM. Ephraim P. Holmes, USN, and other VIP's seated for ceremony; group begins applauding ZUMWALT. G 26) MCU ACKERMAN, david and Mamie EISENHOWER; sign in FG reads "Authentication Stand." F 27) MS Front view, ZUMWALT, WESTMORELAD and MOORER seated together with BRINK. g 28) CU Person getting drink of water; PAN L to show other spectators in crowd. VG 29) LA CU Sign reading "Invited Guests." G 30) CU PAN R with MOORER walking forward, stops to shake hands with warner, then moves to rostrum to speak. G 31) LA CU VIP's in crowd listening to speech. G 32) CU LAIRD rising, saking hands with MOORER, moving to rostrm to speak; PAN l to show RICKOVER and other VIP's rising to applaud. G 33) CU Side view, LAIRD speaking from rostrum, part of ship construction seen in BG. G 34) ECU ZUMWALT listening to speaker, sitting next to WESTMORELAND. 35) CU Faces of WESTMORELAND and MOORER. G 36) CU aces of Mamie EISENHOWER, ACKERMAN. F 37) CU VIP's applauding. 38) CU Mamie EISENHOWER rising, VIP's nearby applaud. (SV) G 39) CU RICKOVER moving to rostrum to speak. (SV) of RICKOVER speaking. G 40) CU David and Mamie EISNHOWER being introduced, Mamie and Julie seen nearby. G 41) CU David EISENHOWER being introduced, Mamie and Julie seen nearby. G 42) MCU David and Julie EISENHOWER being introduced. G 43) MCU RICKOVER taking seat, VIP's seen applauding. 44) CU RICKOVER and David EISENHOWER rising from seats on stand; PAN L with David EISENHOWER as e takes Vibrating Etcher in hand. G 45) CU Rear view, LAIRD watching as David EISENHOWER authenticates Keel Laying by signing name on Keel Plate for ship with etching tool; LAIRD moves away to R, scene looks between David and Julie EISENHOWER AS David signs name to plate. G 46) MS Mamie EISENHOWER looking at Keel Plate. G 47) MS Keel Plate being removed by slings: VIP's seen watching. G 48) CU ACKERMAN with smile on face watching activity. F-P 49) MS EISENHOWERs and other VIP's watching Keel with plate attached being swung to BG. F 50) CU David EISENHOWER chatting with LAIRD; USN Band seen in far BG. G. (SV) PAN L to show keel high in air over keel blocks. G-F 51) CU Front view, persons in crowd approaching, passing to L of camera, moving past personnel holding State Flags. G 52) CU Front view, men holding State Flags, crowds seen approaching in BG, G-F 53) HA CU Over heads of people in crowd in shipyard. F 54) CU Front view, crowds standing waiting for ceremony to begin. G 55) CU Spectators arriving for ceremony, only legs of people shown. F 56) MS Spectators moving inside shipyard. (SV) 57) CU Front view, USN Band performing during ceremony. (SV) VG-G

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SNAC Resource ID: 6512734

National Archives at College Park

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